Congratulations on getting past the college process and enrolling in college, here are some tips that should help you.
The Facts about College Grading
College grading is much different from high school. In a typical college class, there will be approximately 3 exams and 1 final. Messing up on any exam will end up hurting your final grade. If you are lucky, a few professors may replace your lower grade but only very few do this. On your final grades, you will see a letter grade that represents a numeric number. The letter grades will range from A, B, C, D, F. A + or - may also follow the letter. The grading scale (numeric) is out of a 4.0. A = 4.0, A- = 3.667, B+ =3.333, B=3.0, B- = 2.667, C+ = 2.333, C = 2.0, D+ = 1.667, D= 1.333, D- = 1.0, F = 0. Remember you should always try your hardest and do your best because you cannot rely on a scale/curve. Not many professors curve nor do some "curves" actually make a difference. Also, most colleges have an academic drop deadline in which give students that aren't performing as well as they like the ability to drop the course without appearing on their transcript. If you know you are not doing well/failing a course, you should take full advantage of the drop deadline.